Ember is a single page web application created as a collaborative effort. I was one of two programmers in a group of 5, the others being designers/communication students. The theme of the project phase of the semester ‘Create a Rich Internet Application’ was Design Your Own….
After some brainstorming we settled on a fictional assignment of Nintendo wanting a Design Your Own Pokemon web application.
A major part of the project revolved around researching user experience and turning generated code into Angular. Lesson learned: don’t let the designers use an online tool to create the design in HTML. It’s an absolute mess.
Because this project was the first real taste of MEAN I’ve gotten, I chose to kick-start the project and make up for lost time using the Yeoman generator for scaffolding and meanjs because of its superior documentation.
We had a very short development time so a lot of the really cool features we would’ve liked such as meta-games are not implemented. The main feature is the ability to use the canvas to create a custom Pokemon users sliders for ligaments. The user can save the image and name the Pokemon. Stats are generated at random.
Because we’ve had a set of custom Pokemon images designed and implemented I can’t demo the program online (copyrights).